Syracuse history
12 Kilometers from our hotel is the historic city of Siracusa.
It is the capital of the Sicilian province and in ancient times was once considered one of the most important cities of the ancient world.
Even the Roman philosopher Cicero described Siracusa as "the largest and most beautiful of all the Greek cities".
Even today Siracusa offers its visitors numerous attractions. Many of them are located in the Old Town include beautiful palaces, Museums, as well as temples and (Baroque)Churches. Der Apollontempel, in the 6. Century v. Chr. Built, applies, for example greater than the oldest Greek temple in Sicily.
The narrow streets in the old town loaded with its many small shops and restaurants to relax and also the port of the city, in the immediate vicinity of a source of fresh water springs, suitable for walking.
Here is incidentally still one of the few places in Europe, grows the papyrus.
Also worth a visit is the fruit-
In the archaeological park of the city, dem Archaeological Park of Neapolis, can u.a. antique buildings, include an altar of sacrifice and the culturally rich Teatro Greco.
Also Quarries, from which limestone was previously obtained for the construction
of the city, are here. Also worth seeing are the catacombs of Syracuse, which impress
by their size -
A trip to Siracusa is worthwhile in any case, guaranteeing a varied and exciting cultural program.
Day: B&B Umgebung Siracusa Unterkunft Syrakus Sizilien Museen Tempel Sehenswürdigkeiten Katakombe Siracusa
Arrival |
Anapo und Nekropolen |
Archäologischen Ausgrabungsstätten |
Etna |
Vendicari |
Pantalica |
Cava Grande |
Noto Barockstädte |