
Arrival by plane (Flughafen Catania)

The nearest airport of Valentino `s Bed & Breakfast ist Catania und ist rd. 75km away from Fontane Bianche.

At Catania airport, you have the possibility to rent a car or get a bus from there to us.

More Travel by bus

Take Interbus from Catania – Airport ( not Siracusa.

You get off at Corso Umberto and take the line 22 (Round)

Fontane Bianche direction or. Via Rubino and get out there. From there we will pick you up.

© 2009-2014 B&B Fontane Bianche Siracusa

B&B Valentino Fontane Bianche Umgebung Siracusa / Via lago di Pergusa n°59  

                    Mobil: DE. 0157 73 84 19 70 / It. Mobil 0049 327 29 60 713
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